We are a network of independent Truck Accident Attorneys who share a common approach to truck law and helping those who are involved in truck accidents

Network Of Independent Truck Accident Attorneys

Our Truck accident attorneys have handled thousands of personal injury cases on behalf of drivers

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    Experienced Truck Injury Accident Lawyers

    Many people who have been in truck accidents and have suffered extensive injuries want to find out if their case even qualifies, or whether hiring a lawyer is necessary. Working with a knowledgeable and skilled truck accident lawyer to submit a successful personal injury claim boosts your chances at maximizing your compensation amount. Negotiating a settlement is tough to do when you lack the foundational litigation skills that  truck accident lawyers possess. When there is a seasoned lawyer at your side, you can count on them to give you the ongoing support that you need to effectively secure the financial compensation that you deserve. 

    Common Causes of Truck Accidents

    From distracted driving, speeding to overtaking, a truck accident can have many different contributing factors. Victims of many truck accidents suffer terrible injuries because of a truck’s sheer size and weight. When a truck crashes into something, the force can be so strong that it causes a large amount of destruction. Some of the most common causes that lawyers often see when they handle truck accident cases include the following:

    • Speeding
    • Road rage
    • Unsafe lane changes
    • Failure to yield
    • Brake or mechanical failures
    • Inexperience with operating trucks
    • Sleepiness or fatigue

    Because there can be so many factors involved in a truck accident, and so many parties can be held liable, understanding the cause of an accident can be difficult. Allow a lawyer to complete their investigation and determine the factors that allowed the accident to occur.

    Common Truck Accident Injuries

    Truck accident injuries tend to be especially severe, because of the sheer force of impact. Trucks are incredibly large, heavy and often contain massive amounts of cargo. When a commercial truck gets wrecked in a crash, it is common for injuries like spinal injuries, leg injuries, broken bones and brain injuries to occur. A person’s body in a truck accident is typically subjected to a large amount of trauma. 

    Paying off the expenses from medical care and treatment for accident injuries can lead to financial difficulties as well. A skilled lawyer can review your case, calculate your damages and find out what compensation you should receive. 

    Who Can be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

    In a truck accident, determining liability can be tricky. You can trust a truck accident lawyer like one from Truck Law to accurately evaluate many kinds of evidence and assess information about your case. Sometimes, there is more than one person who can be liable. For example, commercial truck accidents involve the driver, carrier, or trucking company, third party suppliers, and other parties that could be involved. A skilled lawyer can obtain more information to piece together exactly who can be held liable. 

    If you would like to learn more about how a truck accident lawyer can help you and what legal services are available in your area, contact Truck Law today.

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    Network Of Truck Accident Attorneys

    Each Location provides trucking law information for a specific region and attorneys that are committed to helping injured truck accident clients recover the maximum compensation. The proof is in our network’s multi-million dollar results. Never a fee unless we win!


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    Personal Injury | Truck Accident Law

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    With longer stopping distances, heavier weight, and taller profiles, it’s no wonder that commercial trucks pose a deadly risk while sharing the road with others. Many of these trucks travel on freeways and highways that allow for greater speeds, which means that such a hefty vehicle moving at a rapid pace poses a serious risk in the event of a collision.

    Most don’t have a rearview mirror, and truckers have to depend on side mirrors to see cars behind them or on either side. The newer models may have a camera that allows them to see behind the truck, but this may not be installed into every vehicle. If you are driving in the blind spot of a commercial truck, it can hide your entire car and essentially make you invisible to truckers.

    Driver fatigue is a leading cause of many truck-related accidents. The trucker may have been driving all night, during normal sleeping hours, or feeling unwell because they haven’t gotten the rest and meal breaks that they need. Not having sufficient sleep, poor diet, and stress from deadlines may pressure a trucker to operate their vehicle for a longer period of time than what is safe in one sitting. There are regulations that govern how many hours a trucker is permitted to drive in one day and total weekly. 

    If someone were to cut in front of a commercial truck or the trucker failed to notice a stop ahead, it’s possible that the trucker would not be able to halt in enough time to prevent a crash. Furthermore, a commercial truck usually has bigger tires, more of them, and a smaller cabin compared to a standard car. If you were to get into a head-on crash with a semi, the center of gravity and force from the truck may demolish the other vehicle, risking the lives of those inside.

    Truck Law Blogs

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    Back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, often leading to discomfort, limited mobility, and a diminished quality of life. Chiropractic care has emerged as a popular and ...
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    Strategies For Enforcing Business Contracts

    Business contracts are fundamental tools for defining the relationships and expectations between parties engaged in professional dealings. However, the true strength of a business contract lies not only in its ability to ...
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    Protect Yourself When Using Contractors

    Working with the right contractors can be critical to your company’s success. Choosing the wrong one can drain your resources and set your business back as a breach of contract lawyer knows ...
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